Friday, November 11, 2011

Igorot Dancing Pics|The Igorot People Panagbenga Dancing Pics

The Igorot People

The Igorots are grouped into six ethno-linguistic groups, the Bontoc, Ibaloi, Isneg or Apayao, Kalinga, and the Kankana-ey. 
The word, Igorot is a misnomer term invented by the ruthless Spaniards in mockery against the Nortnern Luzon tribes, which they failed to subjugate or conquer in their insatiable lust and greed for colonialism. The word ‘Igorot’ also as coined and applied by the Spaniards means a savage, head-hunting and backward tribe of Luzon.

This images depicts how beautiful Panagbenga and Baguio City Festival is.
Hope you like it!!

Igorots Dancing

Igorot Kids

Igorot Girls Wearing Colorful Dresses

Igorot males Dancing with their gongs

Igorot Dresses Reflects Their Way Of  Living

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