Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Flower|My Love For Flowers

A flower

A flower, a flower
wont anyone give me a flower?

But no one stops, no one listens
I am no more than a shadow calling out
though shielding away from the light

Afraid to be hurt more than I have been
Searching for someone to help
but find nothing but refusal and hurt

A flower, a flower,
wont anyone give me a flower?

But no one looks, no one cares

I am drifting now
afraid to ask anymore...

Wouldn't want to ruin their beautiful day
with my dark cold heart
-Goodbye now

A Flower|A Flowers Life


Flower, flower grow for me,
Become a flower from a seed,
Grow your roots and a stem,
Let the water come right in

Flower, flower you are true,
You make me happy when I am blue,
You became a flower from a seed,
You did all that just for me

Wild Forest Flower

Rough around the edges but a tender center
This is my wild forest flower
Short and slender with long flowing blonde hair
This is my wild forest flower
A loving heart that goes beyond what I can see
This is my wild forest flower

I want to hold
my flower in my hands
Wondering why she holds back and refuses to stand
I water it every now and then to watch it grow
But it takes too long because it’s a little slow
So I wait patiently for the flower to begin to rise
Even though I can still hear the weeping willows cries

Firm and hard headed but with a loving touch
This is my wild forest flower
Always hiding and always scared like a little child
This is my wild forest flower
The only one I am willing to be with anymore
This is my wild forest flower

A darkened hush rises in the sky above my flower
The roots slowly exposing themselves out of fear
A forest fire begins in the distance soon to consume it
The fire rages ready to consume the small thing in power
This little bitty flower that I love and hold so dear
but I laugh because I know how this fire got lit

I Picked A Flower

I Picked A Flower

I picked a flower from a bush
And I loved it so
Put it in a vase next to my bed
But how was I to know

That the flower cried for its bush
That the bush cried for its flower
But how was I to know
That the flower would die in an hour

The flower withered away
And I put it inside my book
Because I loved the flower so
But how was I to know

That the flower gasped for breath
That it was facing death
But how was I to know
That the flower so badly wanted to go

And I kept the flower close to me
So that every day I could see
But how was I know
That the flower that I had loved so
Had always hated me
That there was pain I couln't see
And how was I to know?

The Beautiful Flower|Love for Beautiful Flowers

The Beautiful Flower

there was once a beautiful flower sitting in the meadow
while I got out of my bed to my window
the field was very beautiful and grassy
the beautiful flower was feeling sassy
as it stand tall above all of the flowers in the meadow
I wanted to get something to drink so I left the window
the beautiful flower try to look for me
the beautiful wanted to see
me at the window looking at the flowers beauty and grace
but there was a sad look on her face
when I came back with with a drink of water
the beautiful flower felt better
the beautiful flower posed and danced
but I did not glanced
then I looked down and saw another beautiful flower
the first flower was a sunflower
and the second flower was pink with a green in the middle
the second beautiful flower started to fiddle
the first beautiful flower got so mad she grabed her
and threw the second flower ferther
from the meadowly field of the uncool flowers
but the rain shower
it was coming in 5 minutes and the beautiful flower was sad
 but I looked down with a smile and she was glad
then the rain started the flower went home to her friend
the end
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